Updated on January 30th 2025

- Objective
- Program
- Requirements
- Camp Life
- Course schedule
- Camp Rules
- History
- Donation account

Objective of the music course
- Private lessons for all Instruments
- Intensive development of Solo, Chamber Music and Orchestral playing
- Acquiring of Concert experience
- Preparation of Concerts
- Make and maintain friendships across cultural and national borders

- Daily private lessons for all instruments
- Orchestra rehearsals
- House concerts for all participants
- Masterclass
- Preparation for concerts
- Group music Theory for pianists
- For all instruments: lessons with correpetitor
- Second instrument according to possibility and need

- Children, Young Adults as well as Older, Music enthusiasts
- For Beginners, Advanced and Professionals
- Love for the Music

Camp Life
- Accommodation will be at Hotel Seaside
- Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner at Hotel Seaside
- Individual or communal practice time
- Outdoor Activities including Sports, Hiking and day Trips
- Fresh alpine air and wonderful views over the Alps
1. Woche
- Audition for Academy, and Festival Orchestra
- Private Lessons
- Chamber Music
- Orchestra Rehearsals
- Concert Preparation
2. Woche
- Masterclasses
- Private Lessons
- Chamber Music
- Orchestra Rehearsals
- Concert Preparation
- Concerts
3. Woche
- Private Lessons
- Chamber Music
- Orchestra rehearsals
- Concerts
Camp Rules
In order to offer all participants an optimal learning and camp experience, the Goppisberg Music Festival and Academy have adopted the following “Camp Rules”.
The following:
1. Punctual participation at Music Lessons as well as at the Rehearsals and Concerts
2. Keep the Hotel House Rules
3. 17 year olds and younger must be in the Hotel at 10.00pm, older participants at 12.00pm
4. No Alcohol for Minors
5. The Artistic Director decides where and when the students will be performing at the public concerts

In the small village of Goppisberg in the Aletsch region of the Canton of Valais violinist Katharina Hardy founded
in the summer of 1987 music weeks for children and young people with a serious motivation to play music, the
music weeks henceforth bearing the name of this romantic village.
Katharina Hardy was guided by the idea of intensively developing the instrumental skills of young talents during
the school vacations. In the first years, the music weeks were held in the village of Goppisberg itself, but with an
increasing number of participants, the location became too small. Therefor the venue of the Goppisberg Music
Weeks was relocated to other places in the Upper Valais. The old name, however, remained, referring to the early
This year, the music festival will be held in the idyllic town of Spiez
In the following years the camp took place in the following locations:
1990 – 1993 Rhone Gletscher, Hotel Belvedere
1994 – 1996 Simplon – Kulm, Hotel Bellevue
1997 – 2006 Grächen, Hotel Sonne und Hotel Abendruh
2007 fand kein Lager statt
2008 Grächen, Hotel Sonne, Hotel Abendruh und Gruppenhaus Ausblick
2009 – 2012 Grächen, Hotel Sonne, Hotel Abendruh und Gruppenhaus Santa Fee
2013 Grächen, Hotel Sonne und Hotel Abendruh und Gruppenhaus Ausblick
2014 – 2015 Grächen, Hotel Sonne und Hotel Abendruh und Hotel Des Alpes
2016 Grächen, Hotel Alpina, Hotel Sonne und Pension Abendruh
2017 – 2019 Spiez Hotel Seaside
2020 infolge Corona Virus abgesagt
2021 – Spiez Hotel Seaside
Raiffeisenbank Mischabel-Matterhorn
Goppisberg Musikfestival und Akademie
IBAN Nr.: CH44 8080 8005 7518 5429 0
Stadlerstrasse 171
8404 Winterthur

updated on november 23th 2022

Concerts in 2025

July 27th
Castle Church Spiez
5pm – Schlossstrasse 17, 3700 Spiez

July 30th
reformed Church Grindelwald
8.15pm – Dorfstrasse 202, 3818 Grindelwald

July 31st
Castle Church Interlaken
8pm – Lindenallee 10, 3800 Interlaken

August 5th
reformed Church Meiringen
7.30pm – Kirchgasse 19, 3860 Meiringen

August 6th
reformed Church Spiez
7.30pm – Kirchgasse 5, 3700 Spiez

August 9 th
Schaffhausen, Rathauslaube
5pm – Rathausbogen 10, 8200 Schaffhausen

August 10th
Prediger Church Zurich
5pm – Zähringerplatz 6, 8001 Zürich
House concerts and Workshops 2025
Saturday, July 26th 1. House concert 2 pm
Sunday, August 3th 2. House concert 2 pm
Friday, August 8th 3. House concert 2 pm
cath. Church Spiez
For Copyright reasons, sound,video and image recording are not permitted.

Thank you to all our sponsors, because without you we could not carry out the festival in this form.
Sponsors since 1990
Musikhaus Jecklin, Zürich
Dr. Branco Weiss
Alfred-Ilse Stammer-Mayer Stiftung, Zollikon
Rentsch-Stiftung Olten
Max und Erika Gideon Stiftung
Robert Heuberger Stiftung
Kitty Weinberger, Rieden
A.+ A. Dr. Schumacher Erlinsbach SO
Raiffeisenbank Grächen, St. Niklaus
Tourismus-Büro, Grächen
Spirig Pharma AG Egerkingen
Dr. med. A. Burckhardt Lostorf
Frau Dr. med. M. Bauer Olten
Dr. med. M. Frei Rombach AG
Dr. med. B. Hammer Erlinsbach AG
Herr + Frau Dr. Chr.+M. Pflugshaupt Hägendorf
Herr + Frau A.+M. Wermelinger Erlinsbach SO
Herr + Frau H.+M. Kohlmann Wangen b. Olten
Spirig Pharma AG Egerkingen
RHL Foundation
Alexander Korach Zürich
Yvonne Kupper, Egg
S. Eustachius-Stiftung, Winterthur
Stab Stiftung, Zürich
Alexander Korach, Zürich
Alice Rosner Stiftung
acrossmedia GmbH, Hittnau
Dr. Branco Weiss
Elisabeth Brack
Erika Gideon, Zürich
Manuela Thurre
Rahn Kulturfonds, Zürich
Richard Irniger, Zürich
Adolf und Mary Mil-Stiftung, Zürich
Elisabeth und Max Held-Baumgartner Stiftung
Georges und Jenny Bloch – Stiftung, Rüschlikon
Marlies + Hanspeter Wüthrich-Mäder Stiftung
Stiftung Dr. Valentin Malamoud
Kurt und Silvia Huser-Oesch Stiftung
Jubiläumsstiftung der Von Roll Holding AG
Sponsors 2024 / 2025
Main sponsors:
Georg und Johannes Barandun-Stiftung
Kurt und Silvia Huser-Oesch Stiftung
Lore und Wolfgang Kautz
Alfred-Ilse Stammer-Mayer Stiftung, Zollikon
Alice Rosner Stiftung
Coop Region Bern
Dieter Rüttimann
Doris und Alex Schaub, Serneus
Dr. A. Schumacher, Erlinsbach SO
Fam. Peter und Sofia Alder Armanini
Gemeinde Grindelwald
Gemeinde Interlaken
Gemeinde Spiez und Tourismus Spiez
Heidi Zeh, Siebnen
Hotel Ibis Budget, Winterthur
Kanton Schaffhausen Baudepartement
Kedves-Stiftung, Tägerwilen
Kulturstiftung GVB
Max und Erika Gideon Stiftung
Musik Schlaile, Pforzheim
Piano Music, Matthias Simmen,Klavierservice, Thun
René und Susanne Braginsky Stiftung, Zürich
Reformierte Kirchgemeinde Spiez
Richard Irniger, Zürich
Rufiner Reisen, Turtmann
Stiftung für die Region – Sparkasse Pforzheim Calw
Swisslos Kultur Kanton Bern
Ursula Wirz-Stiftung, Bern
VIVAT Thunersee, Thun
Wüthrich-Stiftung Thun
Diverse anonyme Sponsoren
Patrons / donations:
Daniel Weiss
Emma Martin-Lüthi
Hotel Interlaken
Juliane Rohner
Margrit Hörrmann
Manuela Muri
Restaurant Weisses Kreuz, Zürich
Taverne zum Hirschen, Winterthur Wülflingen
Theater Club, Zürich
Anonyme Gönner
Speziellen Dank an die Gemeinden Spiez, Grindelwald, Interlaken, Spiez Marketing AG, ABZ und dem Hotel Seaside in Spiez.